Water Science at CSUN
Welcome to the Water Science Group at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). We are housed within the Department of Geological Sciences.
Our research focuses on the transport and fate of contaminants in a variety of natural environments, including streams, lakes/reservoirs, lagoons, and coastlines. Much of Dr. Priya Ganguli's work is related to mercury (Hg) cycling, where Dr. Scott Hauswirth's focus is on organic contaminants, including PAHs and PCBs. We are also expanding our analytical capabilities to include trace metal analysis. Students involved in the Water Science Program at CSUN work on a range of environmental research projects.

Wildfire Impacts in Coastal Watersheds
We are investigating the transport and fate of metals and PAHs following the 2018 Woolsey Fire, which burned much of the Malibu Creek Watershed.
funding: CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST)
Georgina (Judy) Campos's 2022 AGU abstract.

Contaminant Cycling in Water Reservoirs
More than 180 water reservoirs in California have posted fish consumption advisories due to mercury and/or PCBs. We are evaluating the concentration and distribution of metals, including mercury, and PCBs in southern California reservoirs, with a focus on Castaic Lake.
funding: California Institute of Water Research (CIWR)
Greg Jesmok's presentation at the 2021 CALMS Conference.

Historic Mining Impacts
The former New Idria Mercury Mine was the second largest mercury producer in North America. We are investigating the downstream extent of contamination from this site.
funding: CSU-WATER
Rachel Hohn leading a New Idria sampling event.